We have just finished our 15 day trip in Iceland and want to share some of our experiences on how to find and take pictures of the Northern Lights. Spotting the Northern lights can be a little difficult if you have not seen one with your eyes before. Usually the Northern Light appears significantly different to our naked eyes compared to what can be captured on the camera.
Archives for September 2016
How to Enter St Petersburg Visa Free?
There is only a small handful of countries that is allowed to enter St Petersburg Visa Free and obtaining a Visa into Russia can be a tedious process. Fortunately, there are exceptions that allows you to enter St Petersburg Visa Free for up to 72 hours.
The Corner House: KGB Headquarter in Riga
When the Soviet invaded the Baltic States in 1940, the red terror of the Soviet secret police (KGB) rained on the capital of Riga. The operation of the KGB in Riga was closely associated with a corner building known as the Corner House. This KGB headquarter is now a symbol of the oppressive regime that governed the Latvian population for 50 years.